Forget Getting into Shape, Let’s Get Your Career into Shape
There isn’t a day at Staffing Solutions when I come across a candidate whose resume doesn’t need revisions. No matter if you’re representing yourself, or are taking advantage of an agency to help represent you, your resume is the only ticket you have to get past the “gatekeepers” and onto the desk of a…
Read MoreWorking for a Staffing Agency… You Have an Agent!
Professional athletes, celebrities and movie stars all have “agents”. What does an agent do for them? Manage their careers Ensure that they read, look and speak the part Get them their “gigs” Keep them working Negotiate their pay and perks Move them from one gig to the next The “celebrities” focus on their skills…
Read More“De-bunking the one-page-resume Rule”
How many of you have received advice like this? “You need to cut your resume down” “The recruiter won’t even read that far” “One page resumes are the best way to go” We say that this is nonsense! A Resume shouldn’t be one size fits all. The years of work experience and complexity behind your…
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