What to Expect from a Good Recruiter

right or wrong


If you choose to partner with a recruiter or staffing agency to help with your job search, good for you! When looking for a job, it’s smart to use all the tools available.


Today, we put together a list of what you should expect from a good recruiter. Beware of “partners” that offer less than you deserve!


A good recruiter should give you:


  • An easy application process. It’s 2019! The initial process should be simple, mobile, and easy to complete. Clunky applications are a turn-off, and the last thing you want is more complications when looking for a job.


  • Transparency & feedback. Who wants to be left in the dark? What’s worse, if you go on an interview and the employer decides not to move forward, don’t you deserve to know why? A good recruiter should keep you updated through the whole process, and give you feedback so you’re able to improve for next time.


  • A low-hassle interview process. With today’s tech, recruiters have the capability to schedule video interviews. If you’re currently working, flexibility is important when looking for jobs! A good recruiter should work as best they can to accommodate your schedule.


  • Opportunities that match YOUR needs. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work when trying to find your dream job. A search partner should understand your personality and career goals to match you with the right employer’s culture fit.


  • Resources to help you with your search. A few examples? Job alerts on new career openings, relevant job market info & news, interview preparation tips, resume-writing resources, and the opportunity to sharpen your skills to get you ready for your next role.


At Staffing Solutions, Inc. we do our absolute best to make sure our job seekers have all the above tools in their toolbox. Why not take advantage of them all? If you think you could benefit from OUR toolbox, then send us your resume.


Questions? Call us!


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