Adding speaker notes to a presentation

When making a presentation many people like to have their notes handy. PowerPoint lets you keep notes for each slide, print them for reference during a slide show or to provide audience handouts.

This edition of the Weekly Wonders reviews the power of Notes in PowerPoint.

Here’s How

Entering Notes
Open a presentation, making sure it is in Normal View (from the menu bar select ViewNormal). The section below your slide is the Notes pane. Use the Notes section to enter your speaker notes or comments to accompany slides on handouts.
Notes can include text and images—even charts and images that are not in the slideshow.


Print the Notes pages from the menu bar by selecting File, Print then and choosing Notes Pages and OK.

You can print these for your reference as speaker notes during a presentation or as handouts to an audience. Sometimes people even print the notes as a report to management.


Every notes page shows an image of a slide, along with the notes that go with that slide. Notes pages include all of presentation slides and their related notes:
1.      Each slide prints on its own page.
2.      The slide image prints on the upper portion of the page.
3.      The slide’s related notes print beneath the slide image, continuing onto a second page if needed.
4.      Graphics in the notes panel will print on the lower half of the page as expected, just as images in the slide will print in the upper section of the page.


  • Edits to a single note pane will apply to only that page, just like edits on a slide panel will affect only that slide.