Workforce Solutions
Many organizations are taking a more strategic approach to their recruitment function. If your organization is searching for a model that can both supplement and integrate with your existing staff, Recruitment Process Outsourcing can provide you with that blended model. À la Carte Solutions allows your team to outsource the services which will optimize your recruitment outcomes.

Sourcing & Pipeline Building
Resume Sourcing – Generate a candidate pool for a specific opening or to build a talent pipeline.
- Research niche recruiting sources and competitors for “cold calling” purposes.
- Source candidates utilizing your subscription job boards, internal database, resume files, social networking sites, your ATS system, and targeted internet searches.

Screening Solutions
Resume Screening – We will screen resumes provided by the client and select all resumes that meet criteria (provided) by the client.
Telephone Screening – We will conduct customized phone screens and provide your company with a written summary of selected candidates.
Work History Detail with Behavioral Style Interview – Utilize our face-to-face interviewing services to provide a targeted candidate pool to present to your hiring team.
Administrative/Clerical Recruitment Support – We can provide assistance to your recruiting team to coordinate interview schedules with applicants and hiring managers.

Testing Services
Skills testing provides employers with an effective way of determining if a candidate has the sets of skills required to be successful in a position.
Skills tests available are:
- Administrative/Language Arts battery
- Office Assistant/Data Entry/Customer Service
- Accounting Competency Tests
- One-on-One software skills evaluation

Workplace Assessments
Personality Assessments – Staffing Solutions, Inc. utilizes the Rembrandt Portrait ®, a sophisticated assessment tool used to identify and quantify a series of fourteen personality characteristics. It is specifically designed for identifying work-style and basic character traits as they relate to the workplace.
Rembrandt Portrait ® is designed to reveal whether these traits are suitable for the particular position and workplace culture, and provide a more in-depth picture of a candidate that may not be evident during the interview process.

Benchmark/Competency Modeling
Based on your organization’s culture and performance standards, we can develop a competency model for any position, identifying exactly what traits will lead to superior performance. Your top performers share certain personality traits that assist them in performing at peak levels. We can study the identifying qualities of this group to create a top performer model – a benchmark of the personality characteristics that can predict success in your organization.

Outplacement Services
Staffing Solutions, Inc. Outplacement Services helps your former employees cope with job loss, develop and conduct an effective job search strategy, and assists them through the career transition process.
Why employers offer outplacement assistance:
- To assist a smooth transition for laid-off employees
- To minimize litigation and other negative actions
- To help maintain morale for “survivors”
- Out of a genuine desire to “do the right thing”

Training Solutions
Our training provides the personalized attention needed to bring an individual up to speed quickly. We focus our training on mastering both the functions and applications of a particular software program. Additionally, we can customize the coursework training syllabus to your organization/department’s specialized needs.

Background/Reference Checking
Many firms approach to reference checking as a checklist item to be completed. Instead, consider trusting your search partners expertise to conduct in-depth references to provide critical decision support information for candidate selection.
- Reference/Employment Verification
- Education
- Professional License
- Criminal Record Check
- Credential Verification
- Industry Accreditation